₹0 raised of ₹ Goal
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- 0 Supporters
Donations made to Blind Welfare Society are Exempted under section 80G of Indian Income Tax Act, 1961.
Donate via UPI
In case you have donated directly through UPI, kindly E-Mail your details such as Name, Address and PAN for 80G receipt on info@blindwelfaresociety.in
Bank Transfers
You can transfer your contributions in the below account:
Account Holder Name: Blind Welfare Society
Account Number: 31073619505
Bank Name: State Bank of India
Branch Name: Jawalaheri
If you have transfer funds in our account, kindly E-Mail your details such as Name, Address and PAN for 80G receipt on info@blindwelfaresociety.in
International Donations
If you are donating from outside India, you can contribute through Every.org which is a most largest and trusted donation platform.
Donations made to Every.org are exempted under section 501(C) for US residence.
Success Stories
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Stories of Change
The following stories highlight the transformative journey of these remarkable individuals within our organization.
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